Best Of Tears For Fears Rar
LITERARY EXAMINER.OM Fluaaetee.Old Memories! Old Menories!What precioae thing they ere!How dose they cling aroenii our heart,How dearly cherished there!How often wo will cast asideThe cop of promised bliss;And gladly turn as to tho pt, mSo fraofht with happiness.Let others boast of coming joys,Aud trll how brightly shiuoTbeir hopes of future happinessBe memory" pleasure mine.I would not lose the consciousnessOf one good action done.To weave the brightest web of blissThat Taney ever spun.Old Memories! Old Memories!Oh! how they stir the heart!How oft a smile will part the lips, .How oft a tear will start.As memory, faithful to her trust,Brings other scenes again,la all their very truthfulnessOf pleasure or of pals! .Oh! who would lose the memory,Of Childhood's early day;Would wipe a mother's tenderness,A father's care away;A dear, dear d rot her 's earnest love,A gentle sister's smile.The joyous friend of early years,When life was glad the while.Oh! who would roll the Lethean wave,Above the early youth.When earthly light seemed all nndimmedAud all uusulUed truth!Nay, nay, amid life's latter scenes.Ami J its cares and tears.There are green spots to which w (urn.Through ail our after years.There's many a light from bygone days,Around our pathway cast,There's mauy a treasare garnered laThe unforgotten past.Than let m seek to dwellTrom present scenes apart.And glean for memory's treasure house,A lecKon for the heart!1 kc arariiiiM r Josephine a h1 NssslessRumors bad for some time been reachingJosephine of the doom which was impending over her. Agitated with the most terrible fears, and again clinging to tremblinghope, the unhappy empress passed severalweeks in the agony of suspense. Both wereunder great restraint, and each hardly ventured to look, at the other. I he contemplated divorce was noised abroad; and Josephine read in the averted looks of her former h lends, the indications of her approaching disgrace. Napoleon and Josephine hadbeen a:cus:omed to live upon terms of themost Mtectionaie intimacy, and in their privats hours, fiee from the restraints ofcoin?, she would loiter in his cabinet, andhe would steal in, an ever-welcome visitor,upon the secresy of her boudoir. Now, reserve end restraint marked every word andmovement. The private access betweentheir apartments was closed. Napoleon no' lomrer entered her boudoir, but, when hewished to speak to her, respectfully knock-mar at the door, would wait her approach,Whenever Josephine heard the sound ofbis approaching footsteps, the fear that hewas coming with the terrible announce-m . t ament of separation, immediately causedsuch violent palpitations of the heart, that itwas with the utmost difficulty she could totter across the floor, even when supportingherself by leaning agamt the walls, andthe articles of furniture. They had manyprivate interviews before Napoleon ventured to announce directlv his determination,in which he hinted at the necessity of themeasure. From all these interviews Josephine returned with her eyes so swollenwith weeping a? to give her attendants theerroneous impression that personal violencewas used to compel her to consent.The fatal day for the announcement atlength arrived. Josephine appears to havehad some presentiment that her doom wassealed, for all the day she had been in herprivate apartment weeping bitterly. Asthe dinner-hour approached, to conceal herweeping and swollen eyes, she wore a headdres with a deep front, which shaded thewhole of the upper part of her face. Theydined alone. Napoleon entered the roomin the deepest embarrassment. He utterednot a word, but mechanically struck theedge of his glass with his knife, as if to divert his thoughts. Josephine could not conceal the convulsive agitations of her frameThey sat together during the whole meal insilence. The vaiious courses were broughtin, and removed untouched by either. SayJosephine, "We dined together as usual. Istruggled with my loars, which, notwithstanding every effort, overflowed my eyes.I uttered not a worn during that solitarymeal; and he broke silence but once, toask an attendant about the weather. Mysunshine, I saw, had passed away; thestorm burst quickly." Immediately afterthis sorrowful repast. Napoleon requestedthe attendants to leave the room. 1 he hnvpcror closing the door after them with hisown hand, approached Josephine who wastrembling in every neive. 1 he struggle inthe soul of Napoleon was fearful. ' Hiswhole frame trembled. His countenanceassumed the expression of the firm resolvewhich nerved him to this unpardonablewrong. He took the hand of the empress,pressed it to his heart, gazed lor a moment,speechless, upon those features which hadwen his youthful love, and then with a voicetremulous with the storm which shook bothsoul and body, said; "Josephine, my goodJosephine, you know howl have loved you;it is to you alone, that I owe the few moments of happiness I have known in theworld. Josephine, my destiny is more powerful than my will. My dearest a flectionsmust yield to the interests of France."'Say r.o more," exclaimed the empress inmortal anguish; "I expected litis. 1 understand and feel for you; but the stroke is notthe less mortal." And with a piercingahnek, she tell lileless upon the floor. Napoleon hastily opened the door and calledfor help. His physician. Dr. Corviaart,was at hand, and, entering with other attendants, they raised die unconscious Josephine from the floor, who, in a delirium ofagony, was exclaiming, "Oh no! you cannot, you cannot do it! you would not killme." Napoleon supported the limbs ofJosephine, while another bore her body, andthus they conveyed her to her bed room.Placing the insensible empress upon thebed. Napoleon again dismissed the attendants and rang for her women, who, on entering, found him bending over her lifelessform with an expression of the deepest anxiety and anguish. Napoleon slept not La.tnight, but paced his room in silence andsolitude, probably lashed by an aVnrig'conscience. Ho frequently, duringthenight, returned to Josephine's room to inquire concerning her situation, Iwt eachtime the sound of bis footstep and of hisvoice almost threw the agonised empress into convulsions. -No! no!" says Josephine,-l cannot describe the horror of my situation during that night! Even the interestwhich he affected to take in my sufferings,eemed to me additional cruelty. 0! howjustly had I reason to dxe&d becoming anempress!" f , . ,At length the dav arrived for tV. w,M,.snnounceaient of tie divorce. Ths imperial Icouncil of stale was convened in the Tuilcrics, and all the members of the imperialfamily arid all the prominent oihceis of theempire were present. Napoleon, with hisnale and care-worn features, but ill-concealed by the drooping plumes which were ar.ranged to overshadow them, sacrificingstrong love to still stronger ambition, with avoice made firm by the very struggle withwhich he was agitated, in the followingterms assigned to the world his reasons forthis cruel separation:"Ihe political interests oi my monarchy,the wishes of my people, which have constantly guided my actions, require that Ishould leave behind me, to heirs of my lovefor nay people, the throne on which Provi-dence has placed me. For many years 1have lost all hopes of having children byny beloved spouse, the empress Josephine.That it is. mat induces me to sacrifice theiweetest affections of my heart, to consideronly the good of my subjects, and desire thedissolution of our marriage. Arrived at theage cf forty years, 1 may indulge a reasonable hope of living long enough to rear, inthe spirit of my own thoughts and disposition, the children with which it may pleateProvidence to bless me. bod knows whatsuch a determination has cost my heart; butJ 1st"mere is no sacrince which is above my courage, when it is proved to be for the inteiestof France. Far from having any cause tfcomplaint, 1 have nothing to say but inpraise oi the attachment and tenderness ofmy beloved wife. She has embellished fifteen years of my life; the remembrance ofthem shall be forever engraven on my heartShe was crowned by my hand; she shallretain always the rank and title of an empress. But, above all, let her never doubtmy feelings, or regard me but as her bestand deai est friend."Josephine, with a faltering voice, andwith her eyes suffused with tears, replied,respond to all the sen;iments of the emperorin consenting to the dissolution of a marriage w hich henceforth is an obstacle to thehappiness of France, by depriving it of theblessing of being one day governed by thedescendants of that i;rcat man, evidentlyraised up by Providence to efface the evilsof a terrible revolution, and restore the altar, the throne, and social order. But hismarriage will in no rwpect change the sentimenta of my heart; the emperor will everhnd m me his best inend. 1 know whatthis act, commanded by policy and exaltedinterest has cost his heart; but we both glory in the sacrifices which we make to thegood of our country. I feel elevated bygiving the greatest proof of attachment thatwas ever given upon eerth.Such were the sentiments, replete withdignity and gtandeur, which were uttered inpublic; but Josephine returned from thisdreadful effort to her chamber of the darkest woe, and so violent and so protractedwas her anguish, that for six months shewept so incessantly as to be nearly blindedwith grief. The next day afier the publicannouncement to the imperial council ofstate ol the intended separation, the wholeimperial lamilv were assembled in the gransaioon oi me i uiienea tor the legal consummation of the divorce. It was the 16ihof December, 1610. Napoleon was therein all his robes of state, yet care-worn andwretched. With his arms folded across hisbreast, he leaned against a pillar as motion.less as a statue, uttering not a word to anyone, and apparently insensible of the tragedy enacting around him, of which lie wasthe sole author, and eventually the mo3t nitiable victim, The members of the Bonaparte family, who were jealous of the almost boundless influenco which Josephinehad exerted over their imperial brother, M ereall there, secretly reioicir ft in her disgraceIn the centre of the apartment there was asmall table, and upon it a writing apparatusoi gold. An arm chair was placed beforethe table. A silence, as of death, pervat i .i . it .uea me room. Ail eyes were nxed uponthat chair and table, as though they werethe instruments of a dreadful execution. Aside door opened, and Josephine enteredsupported by her daughter, Uortense, whonot possessing the fortitude of her mother.burst into tears as she entered the apartmentand continued sobbing as though her heartwould break. AH immediately arose uponme appearance oi Josephine, fche woresimple dress of white muslin, unadorned bya single ornament. With that peculiargrace lor which she was ever distinguished,she moved slowly and silently to the seatprepared for her. Leaning her elbow upon the table, and supporting her pallid browwith her hand, she struggled to repress theanguioii oi ner soul as she listened to thereading of the act of separation. Thevoice of the reader was interrupted only bythe convulsive sobbings of Uortense, whostood behind her mother's chair. Eugenealso stood behind his mother in that dreadful hour, pale, and trembling like an aspenleaf. Josephine sat with tears silently trick-ling down her cheeks, in the mute composure oi aespair.At the close of this painful duty, Josephine ior a moment pressed her handkerchieto her weeping eyes; but, instantly regain,ing her composure, arose, and with her voiceof ineffable sweetness, in clear and distincttones, pronounced the oath of acceptanceAgain he sat down, and with a tremblingI J..t..l .. . onana, toon me pen and placed her signatureto the deed, which forever separated herfrom the object of her dearest affections andfrom her most cherished hopes. Scarcelyhad she laid down her pen, when Eugenedropped lifeless upon the- floor, and wasborne to his chamber in a state of insensibility, as his mother and sister retired.But tliere still remained another scene ofanguish in this day of woe. Josephine satin her chamber in solitude and speechless,ness, till Napoleon's usual hour for ret'uingto rest naa arnvea. in silence and inwretchedness, Napoleon had iust nlaredhimself in the bed from which he had eiect-ed the wife of his youth, and his servant w aswaiting only to receive orders to retire,when suddenly the private door to his cham.ber opened, and Josephine appeared withswollen eyes and dishevelled hair, and allthe dishabille of unutterable agony. Withtrembling steps she tottered into the room.approached the bed, and then irresolutelystopped, and burst into an agony of tears.ueiicacy a ieeline as if she now had noright to be dure seemed af first to havearrested her progress: but. forireLiinir evurv.icing in me iuuness oi ner grief, she threwherself upon the bed; clasped her husband'sneck, and sobbed as if her heart had bnbreaking. Napoleon also wept, while heendeavored to console her. and thev remained for some time locked in each other'sarms, silently mingling their tears together.The attendant was dismissed, and. for anhour, they remained together in this last private interview, ana men, Josephine partedu.cver irom me nusDand she had no lono-so fondly, and so faithfully loved. : As Josephine retired the attendant again entered,and found Napoleon so buried in the bedclothes as to be invisible. And when hearose in the morning, his tale and ha trtrnr1features gare attestation of the sufferings ofsleepless night. . ; . . : : I,At eleven o'clock the next day, Josephinewns to leav the scene of all her earthlypreuliiess, and to depart from the Tuileriesoi ever. The whole household were assembled sn the stairs and in the vestibule, inorder to obtain a last look of a mistresswhom they had loved, and who, to use anexpression of one present, 'carried with herinto exile the hearts or all who had enjoyedthe happiness of access to her presence.'Jotwphine appeared, leaning upon the armof one of her ladies, and veiled from head tofoot. She held a handkerchief to her eyes,and moved forward Bmid silence, at first uninterrupted, but to which immediately succeeded a universal burst of grief. Josephine,though not insensible to this proof of attach,ment, spoke not; but instantly entering alose carnage, with six horses, drove rapidlyway, without casting one look backwardon the scene of past greatness and departedhappiness. 1 he palace of Malmaison wasassigned to Josephine for her future residence, and a jointure of about six hundtedthousand dollars a year settled upon her.Here, alter many months ot tears, she gradually regained composure, as time healedthe wound which had been inflicted upon herleart. It was soon evident that theie wasno surer way of securing the favor of Napoleon ;han by paying marked attention She was consequently treatedwith the utmost deference by all ths ambassadors of foreign courts, and all the crownedhcad.1 ol Luroj e.One of the ladies who had been attachedto the brilliant court of Josephine, upon thefall of her mistress, was anxious to abandonher, and to revolve as a satellite around thenew luminary, Maria Louisa. To the application. Napoleon replied in an angrytone, 'No! no! she shall not. Althougham charged with ingratitude towards Josephine, 1 will have no imitators, especiallyamong the persons whom she has honoredwith her confidence and loaded with her favors.Josepiine gives ihe following account ofa subsequent inteiview with Napoleon, atMalqmuon. '1 was one day painting a violet, a flower which recalled to my memorymy more happy days, w hen one of my women ran towards me and made a sign byplacing her finger uiwn her lips. The nextmoment 1 was overpowered. I beheld Napoleou. He threw himself with transportinto the arms of his old friend. O! thenwas convinced that he could still love mefor that man really loved ine. It seemedimpossible for him to cease gazing upon meand his look was that of the most tender af.feclion. At length, in a tone of the deepest compassion and love, he said, 'My dearJosephine! I have always loved you 1 loveyou-suit. Do you anil love me, excellentand good Josephine? Ho you still love mein spiti ol the relations I have contractedand whicli have separated me from you?But they have not banished you from mymemory. 'Sire, said I 'Call me Bonaparte,' i J he; 'speak to me, my belovedwith the same freedom, the same familiarityas ever.' Bonaparte soon disappeared, andI hewd only the sound of his rearing foolsteps. 0! how quickly does everythingtake place upon earth. I had once morefelt the pleasure of being loved.'The repudiation of Josephine, strong awere the political motives which led to it, isme earnest siain upon tne cnaracier oi apoleou. And, like all wrong-doing, however ieeruingly prosperous for a time, it promoled final disaster and woe. A pique,originating in his second marriage, alienated Ale lander of Kussia from the I reneemperor, and hence, the campaign of Moscow, and the imprisonment of Napoleonupon tins rock of St. Helena. Kins andTare t sksswa INiwrr f tho norliern para of Siberia mercuryis sometimes frozen, and the frost must therereach a point represented by 40 degrees below Aero of r ahrenhcit k thermometerYv ere such